Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Latest Playoff News

The San Jose Fighting Amigos advanced to the MBA finals behind the 25-point performance of center Zlatko Korkovic, besting the Milwaukee Greyhounds 72-65.
Rookie guard Cock A. Doodledoo added 17 to the San Jose cause and MVP/Hall of Famer Sagittal Occlusal chipped in with 15.
Bisquiero Cutoff led four Greyhounds in double figures with 19.
GAME MVP- Korkovic, San Jose, 25 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists.
TOP SCORER--Korkovic, San Jose, 25 points.
TOP REBOUNDER-Doodledoo, San Jose, 9.
TOPS in STEALS- Benny Lava, Milwaukee, 4.
ASSISTS-Korkovic, San Jose, 4

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