Thursday, June 29, 2023

Season 53 Free Agents

Right off the bat, the main observation here is that the young, powerful defending champions from Dallas lost absolutely nobody of any importance. Their one donation to the free agents was center Meethorp Bleepbloop Zandar, who played briefly in just 3 games. They are still the overwhelming favorites as of right now.

A goodly number of fine players (8 of 12) will be in the Season 53 draft, but no major superstar.

-- 12 players declared for free agency, meaning that grouped with the 16 incoming rookies, there will be 28 players in the upcoming draft...enough for two full rounds and 8 of 10 teams (depending on trades) getting three picks. (Exact number of teams will be detailed after rookies are made and the draft is previewed).

-- Dave teams lost 6 players. Tyler's teams lost 6 players. 

-- 7 of the 12 free agents were starters...4 from Dave teams...3 from Tyler teams)

-- Two teams, Oklahoma City and Philadelphia, lost nobody to free agency.

-- Los Angeles, already the worst team prior to free agency, lost the most players with 3, including top scorer, guard Flufferton Springs. They currently have just 4 players on their roster,

-- Hardest hit among the playoff contenders was Charleston, which lost its two youngest starters, top scoring guard Vinny Zazeech and All-MBA center Johnny Bananas.

-- Four teams (Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Dallas and San Jose) lost zero starters.

-- Sacramento lost Hall of Fame center J.J. Gargantuan.

-- Speaking of Gargantuan, he was one of two players involved in big trades made prior to last season who immediately skedaddled from Dave teams this season. The other was Charleston's center Bananas, who cost the team a second round pick now belonging to Seattle. 

-- Free agents by position are: guards (4), forwards (4), centers (4)

-- Gillette lost the best player in franchise history, guard Freddy Gooch.

-- 1 Hall of Fame player .... center J.J. Gargantuan 

-- 1 All-MBA player from last Johnny Bananas

If, from these observations, you come to the conclusion that once again, Tyler teams came out on top for the zillionth time (his two best teams, Dallas and Philly lost nobody), you would be absolutely, unbelievably correct.

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