Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Introducting the Class of Season 53 Rookies

 Overall summary

Really good rookie crop with potential of 14 of 16 making an MBA roster and half the group possessing ability to have big impacts.
Rankings based on Tyler & Dave's 5-star max ratings combined.

Summary: Outstanding group led by yet another defensive gem to match last season's standout Biggus Dickus.

6-11...Blob Dylan...10 (perfect score)
7-0...China P...8
6-10...Laughing Boy Lasso...6.5 

Summary: Four of the six rookies are well worth drafting...all 4 are potential starters.

6-4...Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon...8.5
6-0...Itstha Bishop.....7.5
5-11...Bellybutton Inquisition.....7.5
6-1...Dominus Vobiscum.....6
6-2...Swifty Twitch...3
6-2...Rut Tut Tut Patel...3

Summary: Worst group...7 forwards, none can rebound, only Plover can pass. Two play enough D and shoot well enough to help some teams.

6-8...Phillip Mianus.....8.5
6-7...Piping Plover.....7.5
6-8...Gene "the Pius 12" Pope.....6.5
6-10...Philibuck Davia.....6.5
6-8...Fudge Pies Deli.....6
6-5...Ed "Horsehead"Henderson.....5
6-7...Joestradamous Walsh.....5

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