Saturday, November 21, 2020

Season 47 Free Agents




While defending champion Dallas and MBA finals club Sacramento retained all of the available players on their rosters, Oklahoma City, one of the other two playoff teams from last season, was decimated with free agent declarations.

Five of the 10 Lariats, including star centers Chochky Galumpkus and Willie Carry McCoffee, along with All Star Game guard Hurricane Furrwizard will all be added to the upcoming draft from Oklahoma City.

Kansas City suffered a big blow as well. It's only loss was last season's Rookie of the Year, guard Freddy Chepuzzo.

Milwaukee lost back-up guard Red Reparee, which negated the only trade consumated by the league's two owners, whereby Reparee would have gone to San Jose in exchange for a number of draft picks by both teams.

Fully half the teams made it through the free agency period unscathed with 10 players being added to the 16 rookies. This means that there will be 26 players in the draft. As of now, each team will get at least two picks, and all but the four playoff teams from last season getting a third pick.

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