Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Seasons yielding the most Hall of Fame players

 SEASON 1...8 Hall of Famers (naturally, since every player made was considered a rookie

Rowdy Ron Clutch
Oscar Mudcat
Silo Chamberlain
Bub Wright
Doug Fresh
Big Bill Rustler
Raisin Sport
Cappy Gambol

SEASON 5...3 Hall of Famers

Alex Pal
Rip Slamjam
Dan Mann

SEASON 18...3 Hall of Famers

Joey Two-Tones
Tommy Zoop
Jonny Cockaroo

12 other seasons yielded 2 rookies to eventually make the Hall of Fame
14 seasons yielded 1 rookie who went on to make the Hall
20 seasons did not produce (yet) a rookie who eventually made the Hall of Fame

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