Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Superstar centers head superb Season 52 rookie crop

 There's something for everyone at every position in this Season 52 rookie crop, especially at the center position, where two of the three incoming centers, Biggus Dickus and Chat "GPT3" Bot, look like potential Hall of Fame, franchise-making stars. They will be welcome additions to the MBA, which, through retirement, was looking at a center shortage in the league.

Add to that dominant pair three outstanding-looking, defensive-minded forwards, Kevin Duran-Duran, Vuil'Raith Cabal and Pete "the Steakman" Marzano, and the league's front court scorers will be much harder pressed to put the ball in the hole this coming season.

The rookie guard crop is a little more questionable, but still features a pair of sharpshooters in Joey Joe Joe Shamadu Jr. and Kofi Luwak, who would be welcome additions to any team.

Here's how the scouts rank them going into the draft, combining star rankings of 1-5 by franchise owners Dave and Tyler. Listing among the tied players is not indicative of how they are ranked within that grouping.

10-point rookies 

-- 7-foot center Biggus Dickus

-- 6-9 center Chat "GPT3" Bot

-- 6-8 center Pete "The Steakman" Marzano

9 1/2-point rookie

-- 6-9 forward Kevin Duran-Duran

9-point rookies

-- 6-2  guard Kofi Luwak

-- 6-10  forward Vuil'raith Cabal

8-point rookie

-- 6-2  guard Joey Joe Joe Shamadu Jr.

6 1/2-point rookie

-- 6-7  forward Stiffly Stifferson

6-point rookies

-- 6-8 center Louie "Big Lunk" Lunkerson

4-point rookies

-- 6-6 guard Mojo Werkin

-- 6-2 guard Barfly Gigglewaters

3 1/2-point rookies

-- 5-11 guard Seeyalater Scronto

-- 6-6 guard Johnny Jazzhands

1 1/2-point rookies

-- 6-6 guard Al "The Annoyance" DiMeola

-- 6-7 forward Murmur Dipthong

1-point rookie

-- 6-4 guard Whitey "White Boy" White

Add to this fine group three outstanding free agents, including dominant young All-MBA forward Crentis Dentist, coming off a Playoff MBA, 6-10 four-time All Star Game selection Charles Broccoli and second-year monster (6-8) guard Vinny Zazeech, as well as a bevy of other solid veterans, and you have the makings of an excellent draft as well as a shot in the arm injecting some outstanding youth into the MBA.

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