Thursday, August 19, 2021

Season 49 Rookies Report


This rookie crop, according to Tyler, is crap. I don’t quite agree with that, although I will say that there is an extraordinary amount of players who do a lot of fouling on defense.

But, having said that, there are, in my opinion, at least 10 of 16 rookies who will contribute to teams, either as starters or first-off-the-bench guys

One very good player at guard, forward and center.

Deep at forwards and guards as far as “good” players go.

Nobody taller than 6-9, which is unusual…and the 6-9 guy sucks.

Here’s the rookies, according to my grouping, with Tyler’s 5-star rating system in parenthesis.



Best Guards

6-2 Freddy Gooch (****)

6-4 Ed Balls (***)

6-3 Wolfie Gutenabend (**1/2)


OK Guards

5-9 Happy Chanooka (*)

6-0 Jeez O. Mann (*)

6-7 Cheddar Witkowskiski (***)



Shit Guards

6-1 Benny Underthings (*)


Best Forwards

6-7 D. Fenestration(*****)

6-8 Toilety T. Paper (***)

6-6 LaJon Brames (***)

6-6 Turk Attaturk (***)

6-6 Crentis “The” Dentist (****)


Crappola Forward

6-7 Spastic Colin (*)


Best Center (by far)

6-8 Sky Masterson (*****)


Cut Pile-Type Centers

6-9 Meethorp Bleepbloop Zandar (**)

6-7 Bukkake Nightmare (*)


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