Monday, October 21, 2019


Although there are no apparent superstars in this Season 44 rookie class, at least 12 of the 16 newcomers should be solid contributors in their careers with 6 or 7 of them looking like they could make immediate impacts in the league. A trio of excellent, good-sized guards make that position stand out, and all three centers have a good looking future with four forwards showing starter potential depending on where they land in the draft.

Here are the rookies according to the combined rankings of Tyler and Dave

1. 6-5 guard "Great" Gruncle Terry (D-1, T-1) Top-ranked guard has size, great defense, rebounding and ball-handling skills. Solid shooter.

2. 6-6 guard Lannigan Lord Hobo (D-2, T-2) 2nd-ranked guard rebounds like a center and is even a better shooter than Terry. Skilled passer to boot.

3. 6-9 center Sabado Gigante (D-4, T-4) Top-ranked center can score from everywhere especially short and down low, where he is a beast. Tendency to foul.

3. 6-7 guard Fatty McButterpants (D-5, T-3) 3rd-ranked guard is tallest of all and best ball-handler of a great bunch. Brilliant in paint and down low.

5. 6-9 forward Frog Morton (D-3, T-7) Top-ranked forward is also the biggest. Brilliant shooter from medium, short and low. Great passer. Good defender.

6. 7-0 center Dupa Yashu (D-6, T-5) 2nd-ranked center is biggest man in the draft. Outstanding defender, shot blocker. Not a great rebounder for his size.

7. 6-6 forward Cam Caldwell (D-10, T-6) 2nd ranked forward may even be best. Dangerous from short and low and a good defender and ball-handler.

8. 6-0 guard Cha-Cha Bamba (D-7, T-11) 4th-ranked guard in a deep guard group. Ball hawk has quality attributes in multiple areas. Weak 3-point shooter.

8. 6-7 forward Reed Lemur (D-9, T-9) 3rd-ranked forward is the best on defense at his position. Decent shooter except down low. Weak rebounder.

10. 6-6 forward Cheetah Vajayjay (D-11, T-8) 4th-ranked forward hard to place. Great around bucket but loves to shoot outside where he is sub-par.

11. 6-8 center Seven Castanza (D-8, T-14) 3rd-ranked center among trio of good pivots. Son of MBA original George is best rebounding center but a hacker.

12. 6-4 guard Potatoes O'Gratin (D-12, T-10) 5th-ranked guard is astounding 3-point shooter who can't get that shot off. Worst ball-handler of lot.

Unlike the above dozen rookies who are viable players, these last four rookies , especially the last three, will likely end up in the cut pile.

13. 6-8 forward Glen A. Taylia (D-13, T-12) 5th-ranked forward is not totally horrible, although he does nothing above average.

14. 6-6 forward Motown Clown (D-14, T-13) 6th-ranked forward is lone lefty who is quick and good ball-handler but has too many gaps in his shooting.

15. 5-10 guard Po' Simpkins (D-15, T-15) 6th-ranked guard is smallest newcomer who is an atrocious outside shot and just an average ball-handler. No D.

16. 6-2 guard Chai Walla (D-16, T-16) 7th-ranked guard lives to foul. Life in the cut pile awaits.


There are at least 9 free agents worth taking, with former Rookie of the Year and last-season's All-MBA forward Bang-Bang Reiner the main prize of the lot.
Guards Norman Conquest and Con Gusto along with freaky-good rebounding 6-5 forward Flip Testerton.

Next five are decent players and last four, Broccli Boy, Indo Kazak, Piggles Huckster and Pombazo will struggle to make any team.

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