Friday, May 12, 2023

Season 52 Schedule Summary+Predictions revisited+Category Leaders+Team MVPs+Position Rankings+Playoff Team Comparisons and predictions+ Leaders + All-MBA Teams

San Jose MVPs Through the Years
S52--Gurd Jesse Shershot
S51--Guard Jesse Shershot
S49--Guard Jesse Shershot
S26--Forward Sagittal Occlusal
S25--Rookie Forward Sagittal Occlusal
S11--Forward Johnny Fartpants

Dallas Rookies of the Year Through the Years
S52--Guard Kopi Luwak
S51--Forward Satan Israel
S43--Forward Chip Battoe
S16--Forward Curly Hogbottom

Standings--Close in the West, but only one standings spot correctly predicted by D and T, who predicted this division exactly the same...the one correct one was fourth place for Gillette. However, it should be pointed out that the two playoff teams were both correctly forecasted.
--Dave wins in the East and overall with 2 correct predictions to Tyler's 1.
--Both D and T predicted Shershot correctly as league MVP. Neither got Rookie of the Year correct. 
--All-MBA team prediction goes to Tyler 2-1. Both picked Shershot correctly, but Tyler gets the edge for his second correct prediction, D. Fenestration, at forward.


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