Thursday, December 22, 2022

Hall of Fame Players Who Spent Entire Career With One Team


The retirement of Tree Fiddy after last season (Season 51) puts him at the top of the list for the Hall of Fame player who spent the most seasons with just one team. He surpasses previous leader in that department, Stu Nod.

1.    Tree Fiddy…13 seasons with Sacramento (39-51)

2.    Stu Nod…12 seasons with Philadelphia (6-17)

3.    Cam Bodia…11 seasons with Philadelphia (15-25)

4.    Uncle Bob Masterson…10 seasons with Philadelphia (4-13)

5.    Dan Mann …9 seasons with Milwaukee (5-13)

6.    Ama Spikie…9 seasons with Philadelphia (29-37)

7.    Sagittal Occlusal…8 seasons with San Jose (25-32)

8.    Diamond Dallas Paige…7 seasons with Oklahoma City (12-18)

9.    Guru Gannon…7 seasons with Chicago (11-17)

S     Shooter Flatch…7 seasons with Dallas (19-25)

C  Colquitt Croix…7 seasons with Philadelphia (40-46)                                  

     Link Lennex ...6 seasons with Houston (7-12)                                                                              

JJ  Joey Two-Tones...6 seasons with Dallas (18-23)                                                                                                   

     Alex Pal...6 seasons with Philadelphia (5-10)                                                     Silo Chamberlain ...6 seasons with Charleston (1-6)                                           Chip Battoe...6 seasons with Dallas (43-48)



(Active Hall member Jesse Shershot of San Jose has only played for the Fighting Amigos in his first five seasons)

54 of the 56 Hall of Famers are retired, meaning just 29.6 percent of the Hall of Fame players played their entire career with just one team.

If you don’t think it’s important for a franchise to hang onto Hall of Fame talent, take a look at the teams who have the most players on this list.

Philadelphia with 6, dominates the list. The next closest team is Dallas with 2

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