Friday, November 25, 2022

Season 51 Regular Season Finale...

-- 7 of the 10 teams had plus differential numbers, but no team had a dominant number...Milwaukee led the way with a +5.9.
-- The four playoff teams were the four best at plus/minus differentials.
-- Dave correctly predicted the final finish of 4 of the 10 teams. 
-- Tyler correctly predicted the final finish of  1 of the 10 teams.
-- Visiting teams won as many games as home teams. (Home team won 34 games last season).
-- Only 10 games were slaughter rule contests as compared to 14 last season.
-- 14 games were barn-burners (decided by 3 or less points or overtime) as compared to just 3 last season.
-- Tyler teams beat Dave Teams 60 percent of the time in head-to-head games.

-- Dave picked 3 of the 5 All-MBA team, getting guard Ehhy Table of Philadelphia and center Chochky Galumpkus of Dallas wrong.
-- Dave missed on the MVP, picking Ehhy Table of Philadelphia.
-- Dave correctly predicted the rookie of the year, Satan Israel of Dallas.
-- Tyler picked 2 of the 5 All-MBA players, missing on predictions of guard Freddy Gooch of Gillette, Chochky Galumpkus of Dallas and D. Fenestration of Philadelphia.
-- Tyler correctly picked Jesse Shershot as League MVP. He did not predict a Rookie of the Year. 

With the exception of 3-point shooting, every team category leader is a playoff team.

Only 5 guards made it above the 20 GVP line...the lowest ever. This is a testimony to the defensive excellence at the position throughout the MBA.


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