Saturday, January 2, 2021

Season 47 All Star Game rosters and retirements

— East has won 29 All Star Games, including the last four in a row, and West has won 17

— The 9th ASG appearance by Charleston Hall of Fame player J.J. Gargantuan ties him for fourth-most appearances with Curly Hogbottom.
The only players ahead of Gargantuan in this department are:
Max Payne…11
Uncle Bob Masterson…10
Mamadou Zongo…10

— The 7th ASG appearance by Tree Fiddy of Sacramento ties him for 9th place in most ASG appearances

— This will be the 5th start for both MBA active Hall of Fame players J.J. Gargantuan and Chip Battoe of Dallas. This puts them in a tie for 13th most starts in ASG history. The No. 1 spot belongs to Curly Hogbottom, who started in every one of his 9 appearances.

— With 21 ASG rebounds, Gargantuan needs five more to get on the all-time ASG leaders list.

— Only one member of this season’s ASG has ever won the All Star Game MVP award…Fatty McButterpants of Milwaukee won it in Season 45. It is the only award not attained by Chip Battoe.

— There are 2 rookies in this season’s ASG…both are starters for the West. There were no rookies at all last season.

— The oldest ASG player is J.J. Gargantuan of Charleston…9th season

— There are 8 first-time all stars this season. Noteworthy are:
Meatpants Masterson…who gained a starting role on his team for the first time in his 7th season and earned a starting ASG spot for the East.
Faku Sosume of Charleston also went the first 6 seasons of his career without an All Star Game berth before earning a starting spot this season.
Wawa Wewa of Philadelphia, long noted as a defensive great in the MBA, also made it in this, his 7th season.

— Chip Battoe and Doo-rag Dripp are the only repeat starters from the Season 46 ASG. Others back again from last season’s ASG squads are:
Dr. Marcus Brody, Los Angeles
Mister Methane, San Jose
Tree Fiddy, Sacramento
Cat Timol, Charleston
Tiger Masterson, Dallas
GoToo Grot, Dallas
Chutcher Mouthchair, Philadelphia

— With ASG awards added to their cards, the two active Hall of Fame players moved up in their HOF rankings.
Chip Battoe now has 16 awards tying him with Jonny Cockaroo and Diamond Dallas Paige for 12th place all time.
J.J. Gargantuan now has 12 awards, tying him with Bill Rustler and Rip Slamjam for 23rd place all time.

— Missing from the Season 47 ASG but worthy of mention are:
Jonk Vaderdonk of Los Angeles (21.2 GVP)
Pap Smearz of Sacramento (21.0) (second season in a row just missed ASG which would have made him a member of HOF
Anura Dickshit of Charleston (20.8)
Great Gruncle Terry of Sacramento (20.6)
Lannigan Lord Hobo of Milwaukee (20.2)

— Last All Star Game for the following, who will be retiring after this season.
Chutcher Mouthchair of Philadelphia
Tiger Masterson of Dallas
Faku Sosume of Charleston

Retiree Summary
-- 14 players retired, meaning there will be two more "active" MBA players than there are this season.
-- 9 of the 14 retirees are starters for their respective teams
-- hardest hit team is Philadelphia Phobia with four players leaving, 3 of them starters
-- three players who made this season's All Star Game squads are retiring
-- Biggest names retiring are Pap Smearz of Sacramento, with 9 career honors, breaking up that longstanding River Dogs starting lineup; center Chutcher Mouthchair of Philadelphia with 4 ASG appearances in 6 seasons plus a championship ring. Former Rookie of the Year Norman Conquest of Los Angeles will retire...currently has 4 awards.

NEXT UP: The 47th MBA All Star Game in Seattle


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