Thursday, May 14, 2020

Season 45 Retirement Announcements

Fourteen MBA players announced that they will be retiring following the end of Season 45, and of that number 8 are current starters in the league.

This is actually a pretty small retirement group. For example, 19 players retired last season (with 6 being starters).

Two teams, Sacramento and Oklahoma City, escaped the retirement announcements unscathed.

Dallas lost the most to retirement, with three retirees, but Los Angeles was the hardest hit, as The Big One will be losing both of their starting forwards, Baba Brinkman and Sloppy Dollop. That pair are also the two most honored players to announce their retirements, meaning that the window of opportunity for Los Angeles to make a major championship push could be closing this season. It doesn't help that they lost star point guard Dr. Marcus Brody to injury for the rest of the current regular season.

The Dave/Tyler breakdown is as follows:
Dave...3 retirees, 2 starters
Tyler...9 retirees, 6 starters

NEXT UP: Announcement of the All Star Game rosters.

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