Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Playoffs Championship Game

HOUSTON -- June 20, 2010...A day that will live in infamy. Or in this case, "famy," because there was nothing infamous about the Charleston Rebels winning the championship game over the Houston Iguanas 81-73 and capturing their first championship in the long history of the original franchise.
(And Felipe, for your information as requested, the only other teams still in search of that elusive, coveted basketball on the envelope are Oklahoma City, Seattle and Sacramento.
Once again, the team quickest out of the gate won this game, and in this case the Runnin' Rebs raced to a 21-14 first-quarter lead and were never headed. The muddy Mississippi blues man, Hall of Famer Jonny Cockaroo was again the MVP of the contest for the second consecutive game, and the one-time cut pile castoff let out a rebel yell for the ages as the game expired.
The Iguanas, bridesmaids for the third time since their last title in Season 12,trailed by 20 points at one point in the third quarter, but came roaring back to within nine points with 15 time units remaining in the game. But the huge early deficit was too much for Houston to overcome, even on their home court.
Tyler Masterson offered the following observation:

the MBA continues to baffle statisticians, the PhD thesis paper of a local student, 3 years in the making, now has to be thrown out as his theory on Houston's 13 game win streak and their championship destiny has to be discarded. What a crock; there is no justice in this league."

Phil Davia's reaction was a tad more measured. He said
"Unbelievable!! Last night, I saw a large group pf people racing down the street with Rebel flags and I became worried. But now I know the reason why!! I hope that was the reason......

"Anyway, I had a feeling Charleston would do it.

"After the celebrations, I'd like the MBA archivist to tell me which teams have still not won a championship."

The Game 5 breakdown was as follows

After knocking at the door in a losing finals result in Season 25, the Charleston Rebels needed and achieved two consecutive victories to bring home the first championship in their long history.

Charleston 81, Houston 73

Charleston 21...43...67...81

Game MVP--Jonny Cockaroo, Charleston
Top Scorer--Jonny Cockaroo, Charleston, 20 points
Top Rebounder--Jonny Cockaroo, Charleston, 8
Tops in Assists--Jinx Bluzemen, Tubes Mullard, both of Houston, 4
Tops in Steals--Tubes Mallard, Houston, 2
Other Top Scorers--Tubes Mullard and Davis Mastersoy, both of Houston, with 16; Benny Gumm and Sammy Zazooch, both of Charleston with 15 each.

The playoff MVP was Jonny Cockaroo...the second time he's won it. The first was in Season 18 as a rookie with Philadelphia, making it the longest time between MVP awards for any MBA player. Jonny has staying power...he's a hootchie, cootchie man.

Closing Season 26 notes
Retiring this season were the following

From the cut pile
Tico Ticotac, Gerald Masterson, Rupert Ritzik, Wa Wa Chuckles, Joe Dokes

From Milwaukee
Gob O'Goo (starting center)
Hy Potanuse

From Charleston
Kippy Kinski (starting two guard with a long, glorious career who led team in playoff scoring at 16.9 per game during championship run.)

From Philadelphia
starting guards Sammy Sampson and Ross "Cement Head Harris"...two season ago the Phobia lost both starting forwards

From Oklahoma City
Chopstix Curry
Dragon Chu Chu (both subs)

From San Jose
Felipe Jazzman (starting two guard and intricate part of team's recent resurgence)
Cuba Chance (longtime backup center)

From Sacramento
Frank Pettis (sub guard with four rings who played key roles for Philly and Milwaukee title teams

From Dallas
Johnny Quickly (oft-injured rebounding maniac at forward..relegated to bench recently)

From Seattle
Pics Gitter (sub forward)